E-Commerce solutions for your company


As a specialized agency in web commerce development, we have solutions for companies of all sizes and backgrounds. We develop and customize your E-Commerce on Magento platform that has full scalability, it’s completely modular, scalable and fits your business, also fitting your contingency. Our mission is to give successful ways to companies in online market with safe, efficient and fulltime-support platforms. Get to know us and our acknowledgment by getting in touch! We’ll be glad to attend you.


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Mobile Commerce

Responsive EN

Mobile Commerce

To any company, having a strong digital presence is more than important; it is already essential. Our smartphones, tablets and several other digital devices have become extensions of ourselves, which means that, if you company is outside these channels, it may lose most of its conversions.

According to E-bit, in 2014, about 7% of the online purchases were made in mobile platforms (mainly on tablets and smartphones). In 2015, it came to 10%. The average amount of requests made in web commerces with the Magento platform reaches 15% and, in some cases, about 40%. The Agência Magento is specialized in Mobile Commerce and collects successful cases since its foundation. All of our E-Commerces are responsible (and responsive!) and you won’t miss a sale.


We have the pleasure of working with brands such as:

“No último ano decidimos migrar nossa loja para uma plataforma mais eficiente, com mais ferramentas e confiável. Optamos pela Agência Magento e acreditamos que foi a melhor escolha, pois sempre nos atendem da melhor forma possível.”

A. C. - Desmobiliawww.desmobilia.com.br

“A agência Magento sabe como trabalhar esta plataforma de forma otimizada. A equipe é nova, cheia de energia e boa vontade. Com foco na profissionalização do atendimento ao cliente e no aprofundamento do enorme rol de oportunidades que a plataforma oferece, a agência Magento vai longe.”

M.G. - Cozawww.sualojacoza.com.br

“Foi a escolha certa, desde o desenvolvimento do Layout a inauguração, tudo ocorreu de acordo com o esperado. Enfim todos os sinceros agradecimentos a Agencia Magento, em especial agradecer ao Suporte que sempre nos atendeu com rapidez e que nunca nos deixou na mão em nenhum momento.”

O.R. - Cisco Skatewww.ciscoskateshop.com.br

Design Delivery


Design Delivery

The company Desmobilia featured the 2015’s December issue of the magazine Top View, from Paraná. The article highlights the most well developed web commerces of design and home decoration in Brazil, devoting one column to the company, which website is developed by Agência Magento. The highest peak of the article is the increase and growth of Desmobilia, which beats around 20% per year, highly above the average of the web commerces in general. Also, it enhances that furniture and decoration are the 7th greatest seller category on the internet.

An increase over the expectations


An increase over the expectations

Tutu Sapatilhas’s marketing strategy guaranteed an increase that exceeded the expectations for the year of 2014 in Brazil, which is 1,1%, according to the IEMI (Industrial Marketing and Studies Institute). Only in the first semesters of 2013 and 2014, Tutu Sapatilhas recorded an increase of 34% on their sales performance in their only one store. In their web commerce, the increase was even better: 50% in the beginning of the year, with adjusts on their platform to improve the communication with their clients.

Source: http://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/economia/empreender-pme/conteudo.phtml?id=1499603&tit=Para-nao-morrer-depois-da-febre-da-novidade

Reference in Mobile Commerce


Reference in Mobile Commerce

The volume of mobile purchases (in smartphones and tablets, mainly) quadrupled for the company Desmobilia (furniture and home design) since their web commerce, developed by Agência Magento, got even more responsive in the last year.
The deals involving mobile platforms corresponds to 17% of Desmobilia net amount of sales, above the national average of 9,8% – especially in smartphones, already the main responsible for the total 10% of sales of the company. Another reason for the increase was the SEO Service on the new platform – market leader Magento – that provides the optimization of keywords, hyperlinks and multimedia, consequently, improving the website ranking on search engines that are an open door to new consumers.

Source: http://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/economia/conteudo.phtml?tl=1&id=1533860&tit=Compra-por-dispositivos-moveis-acelera-expansao-do-e-commerce


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+55 (41) 3057-3067